[FREE!] [VRChat] Bunny's Festive Asset Pack
- An interactive present with 4 example gift effects and a 'zelda chest' opening effect.
- A Candy Cane Sword/Mace you can bonk your friends with.
- A festive antler circlet thingy!
- A floppy hat (that's great for avatars with, for example, bunny ears)
- A random festive orb I modelled for some reason! (it glitters!).
- All assets are using LilToon.
- Blorps and two example animations are using Poiyomi 8 flipbooks (faces and maxwell/rat gifs).
- Festive Blorp, The Festive Orb, and the Floppy Hat all include physbones.
//Setup Guide:
- > Import the package
- > Unpack the prefab
- > Drag "Present Hand" to your hand and adjust placement.
- > Merge FX controllers
- > Add Present menu and parameters
Candy Cane:
- > Import the package
- > Unpack the prefab
- > Drag "CandyCane_Hand" to your hand and adjust placement.
- > Drag "CandyCane_Sheathed" to your hip/back and adjust placement.
- > Merge FX controllers
- > Add Cane menu and parameters
- > Import the package
- > Plop blorp on your head, and adjust placement/scale
- > Merge FX controllers
- > Add menu/parameters if you want to be able to test/control blorp.
- Festive Antlers:
- > Drag to your head
- > You can animated the dissolve on liltoon for a nice "appear" effect.
Festive Hat:
- > Drag to your head
- > Hat is intended to fit on the back of the head, behind ears.
Festive Orb:
- > It's an orb!
- > Drag it wherever? It's fun hanging from the antlers IMO.
// Adding Custom Gifts?
The included gifts are meant to serve as examples (though they are fun). To setup a custom gift, duplicate the animation closest to what you're going for, remove the parts you don't need, and add your effect at the 5 second mark.
// Technical Support?
These assets are provided "as is", and likely require some unity expertise to setup. In particular if you wish to add custom gifts. If you run into trouble I can do my best to assist... time permitting. You can reach me via Twitter/X, linked in my profile.
// Usage Rights
Models/animations/effects are released under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License. You're free to mix, modify, and adapt them, including commercially, with credit.
Example Sounds/Gifs belong to their respective rights holders, if any.
A bunch of free festive assets, including a rad "zelda chest opening" interactive present effect!